Building from source

To build the fresnel Python package from source:

  1. Install prerequisites:

    $ <package-manager> install cmake git python numpy pybind11 qhull embree
    $ <package-manager> install pillow pytest
  2. Obtain the source:

    $ git clone --recursive
  3. Configure:

    $ cmake -B build/fresnel -S fresnel
  4. Build the package:

    $ cmake --build build/fresnel
  5. Install the package (optional):

    $ cmake --install build/fresnel

To build the documentation from source (optional):

  1. Install prerequisites:

    $ <package-manager> install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme nbsphinx ipython
  2. Build the documentation:

    $ sphinx-build -b html fresnel/doc build/fresnel-documentation

The sections below provide details on each of these steps.

Install prerequisites

fresnel requires a number of tools and libraries to build. The options ENABLE_EMBREE and ENABLE_OPTIX each require additional libraries when enabled.


This documentation is generic. Replace <package-manager> with your package or module manager. You may need to adjust package names and/or install additional packages, such as -dev packages that provide headers needed to build fresnel.


Create a virtual environment, one place where you can install dependencies and fresnel:

$ python3 -m venv fresnel-venv

You will need to activate your environment before configuring fresnel:

$ source fresnel-venv/bin/activate

General requirements:

  • C++14 capable compiler (tested with GCC 7-12, Clang 6-14, Visual Studio 2019-2022)

  • CMake >= 3.8

  • pybind11 >= 2.2

  • Python >= 3.6

  • numpy

  • Qhull >= 2015.2

  • For CPU execution (required when ENABLE_EMBREE=ON):

    • Intel TBB >= 4.3.20150611

    • Intel Embree >= 4.0.0

  • For GPU execution (required when ENABLE_OPTIX=ON):

    • OptiX >= 6.0, < 7.0

    • CUDA >= 10

Optional runtime dependencies:

  • pyside2

To run tests:

  • pillow

  • pytest

To build the documentation:

  • sphinx

  • sphinx_rtd_theme

  • nbsphinx

  • ipython

Obtain the source

Clone using Git:

$ git clone --recursive

Release tarballs are also available on the downloads page.

See also

See the git book to learn how to work with Git repositories.


fresnel uses Git submodules. Clone with the --recursive to clone the submodules.

Execute git submodule update --init to fetch the submodules each time you switch branches and the submodules show as modified.


Use CMake to configure a fresnel build in the given directory. Pass -D<option-name>=<value> to cmake to set options on the command line. When modifying code, you only need to repeat the build step to update your build - it will automatically reconfigure as needed.


Use Ninja to perform incremental builds in less time:

$ cmake -B build/fresnel -S fresnel -GNinja


Place your build directory in /tmp or /scratch for faster builds. CMake performs out-of-source builds, so the build directory can be anywhere on the filesystem.


Pass the following options to CMake to optimize the build for your processor: -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-march=native -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-march=native


When using a virtual environment, activate the environment and set the cmake prefix path before running CMake: $ export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path-to-environment>

fresnel’s cmake configuration accepts a number of options.

Options that find libraries and executables only take effect on a clean invocation of CMake. To set these options, first remove CMakeCache.txt from the build directory and then run cmake with these options on the command line.

  • PYTHON_EXECUTABLE - Specify which python to build against. Example: /usr/bin/python3.

    • Default: python3.X detected on $PATH.

  • <package-name>_DIR - Specify the location of a package.

    • Default: Found on the CMake search path.

Other option changes take effect at any time:

  • ENABLE_EMBREE - When enabled, build the CPU backend using Embree (default: on).

  • BUILD_OPTIX - When enabled, build the GPU backend using OpTiX (default: off).

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - Sets the build type (case sensitive) Options:

    • Debug - Compiles debug information into the library and executables. Enables asserts to check for programming mistakes. fresnel will run slow when compiled in Debug mode, but problems are easier to identify.

    • RelWithDebInfo - Compiles with optimizations and debug symbols.

    • Release - (default) All compiler optimizations are enabled and asserts are removed. Recommended for production builds.

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - Directory to install fresnel. Defaults to the root path of the found Python executable.

  • PYTHON_SITE_INSTALL_DIR - Directory to install fresnel to relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Defaults to the site-packages directory used by the found Python executable.

Build the package

The command cmake --build build/fresnel will build the fresnel Python package in the given build directory. After the build completes, the build directory will contain a functioning Python package.


Pass --config <CONFIG> to build a specific configuration when using a multi-configuration generator such as Visual Studio:

cmake --build build/fresnel --config Release


When using a multi-configuration generator, the Python package is built in build/fresnel/<CONFIG>.

Install the package

The command cmake --install build/fresnel installs the given fresnel build to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${PYTHON_SITE_INSTALL_DIR}. CMake autodetects these paths, but you can set them manually in CMake.


Pass --config <CONFIG> to install a specific configuration when using a multi-configuration generator such as Visual Studio.

Build the documentation

Run Sphinx to build the documentation with the command sphinx-build -b html fresnel/sphinx-doc build/fresnel-documentation. Open the file build/fresnel-documentation/index.html in your web browser to view the documentation.


When iteratively modifying the documentation, the sphinx options -a -n -W -T --keep-going are helpful to produce docs with consistent links in the side panel and to see more useful error messages:

$ sphinx-build -a -n -W -T --keep-going -b html \
    fresnel/sphinx-doc build/fresnel-documentation